BIO: Hi, I'm Vanessa, but you can just call me nessy. I enjoy gaming, art, music, and other random assorted hobbies depending on my mood. I love meeting new people, chatting, hanging out, etc. Don't be afraid to reach out to me if you ever want someone to talk to, I am am almost always open to making new friends. Bonus points if we share similar hobbiesMORE INFO: Black, Poly, Proship, Antitheist, Antinatalist, Existential NihilistADDENDUM: Any art drawn or commissioned by me of my chosen form is not a depiction of a character, it is not a depiction of an oc. It even goes deeper than what most would consider to be a persona. It's just me, period. If you refer to me as an oc or anything like that, or if you talk about me in the third person, I will block you. It is very alienating.If you've read all of the above and want to send me a message, DM me the word BLOODBORNE so that I know not to ignore you. This helps filter out annoying people.

FAVORITE BAND: Nine Inch Nails
SOCIAL: Discord